Monday, January 28, 2013

Obama on Clinton: 'I'm going to miss her'

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama lauded Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton as one of his closest advisers and said their shared vision for America's role in the world persuaded his one-time rival ? and potential successor ? to be his top diplomat while he dealt with the shattered economy at home.

During a joint interview that aired Sunday, Obama and Clinton chuckled as they described their partnership and stoked speculation that Obama may prefer Clinton to succeed him in the White House after the 2016 elections. Clinton is leaving Obama's Cabinet soon, and speculation about the former first lady and senator has only grown more intense after a heated appearance last week on Capitol Hill.

Both Obama and Clinton batted away questions about future campaigns, but the joint interview ? the president's first with anyone other than first lady Michelle Obama ? was only likely to increase the fascination with Clinton's future.

"The president and I care deeply about what's going to happen for our country in the future," Clinton said. "And I don't think, you know, either he or I can make predictions about what's going to happen tomorrow or the next year."

Obama, who suggested the joint interview as Clinton prepared her exit from the State Department, lavished praise on his rival for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. He called her a friend and an extraordinary talent, and praised "her discipline, her stamina, her thoughtfulness, her ability to project."

It teetered on an endorsement of a 2016 presidential bid that is still an open question. Clinton advisers say she has not made a decision about a run, while Democratic officials suggest Clinton would be an early favorite if she decided to mount another campaign.

Obama and Clinton laughed when asked about the political future.

"You guys in the press are incorrigible," Obama said when pressed on another Clinton presidency. "I was literally inaugurated four days ago. And you're talking about elections four years from now."

The possibility of a presidential campaign for Vice President Joe Biden did not come up during the interview, taped Friday at the White House.

Obama described why he insisted Clinton become his secretary of state.

"She also was already a world figure," Obama said. "To have somebody who could serve as that effective ambassador in her own right without having to earn her stripes, so to speak, on the international stage, I thought, would be hugely important."

It was a job she initially refused. But Obama kept pushing, Clinton said.

"The one thing he did mention was he basically said: 'You know, we've got this major economic crisis that may push us into a depression. I'm not going to be able to do a lot to satisfy the built-up expectations for our role around the world. So you're going to have to get out there and, you know, really represent us while I deal with, you know, the economic catastrophe I inherited."

It's a job she embraced during the last four years. She arrived on the job with a global brand she quickly lent to promoting U.S. interests. In return, the public rewarded her with high approval ratings that could come in handy if she runs in 2016.

But her tenure has had its blemishes. For example, the United States did not directly intervene in the civil war in Syria, where the United Nations says more than 60,000 people have been killed and more than 2 million people have been internally displaced since the start of the conflict in March 2011.

"There are transitions and transformations taking place all around the world. We are not going to be able to control every aspect of every transition and transformation," Obama said, saying his jobs are to protect the United States and engage where the U.S. can make a difference.

In a separate interview with The New Republic, also released Sunday, Obama said, "As I wrestle with those decisions, I am more mindful probably than most of not only our incredible strengths and capabilities, but also our limitations."

On "60 Minutes," he praised Clinton's State Department for helping him sort out what the United States can ? and cannot ? accomplish.

"It has been a great collaboration over the last four years. I'm going to miss her. Wish she was sticking around. But she has logged in so many miles, I can't begrudge her wanting to take it easy for a little bit," Obama said.

It's something of a turnaround from 2007 and 2008, as the two raced through Iowa and New Hampshire and onward. In increasingly bracing language, the two excoriated the other. At one point, a visibly angry Clinton seethed, "Shame on you, Barack Obama."

Obama now jokes about the rivalry.

"Made for tough debates, by the way, because we could never figure out what we were different on," the president said.

Both acknowledged disagreements continue but said they had common goals.

"Are there going to be differences? Yeah. Deep differences? Of course," Clinton said. "You had a lot of strong-willed, -minded people. But the president deserves our best judgment, our advice and then he deserves us to stand with him and to execute."


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The Liver Cleansing Diet by Sandra Cabot: What to eat and foods to ...

The Liver Cleansing Diet (1996/2003/2008) has sold over 2 million copies. It is a 3-stage 8-week detox diet that is dairy-free, mostly vegetarian, minimally processed, high fiber, and low fat, and it includes a lot of raw vegetable and fruit including juices.

This is an outline of the food recommendations in the book ? for the full benefits of the plan, see?The Liver Cleansing Diet book and The Liver Cleansing Diet kindle.

The theory behind The Liver Cleansing Diet

This book argues that the key to solving issues such as excessive weight and sluggish metabolism and other conditions is the liver, which is the supreme organism of metabolism. The correction of a poor liver state is always a vital step in an individual?s healing program. The Liver Cleansing Diet (LCD) works to overcome chronic medical conditions with a diet that reduces the toxic load on the liver and improves liver function.

Health benefits claimed in The Liver Cleansing Diet

The diet in this book claims to reduce the risks for: acid reflux / GERD, allergies, Alzheimer?s disease, arthritis, auto immune diseases (Hashimoto?s thyroiditis, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus), bad breath, bloating, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excessive body heat, brain fog, candida, high cholesterol, chronic fatigue, constipation, depression, diabetes, eczema, fatigue, food addiction, headaches/migraines, hives, hormonal imbalances, hypoglycemia, overburdened immune system, indigestion, infertility, irritable bowel syndrome IBS, low libido, liver diseases (cirrhosis, fatty liver, gall bladder disease, hepatitis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, liver cysts, liver pain and congestion,), poor memory, overweight/obesity, rosacea, sluggish metabolism, skin rashes

As always, this is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical diagnosis or treatment for a medical condition.

The diet includes an 8-week menu plan. If your weight loss is too slow or comes to a plateau, you should eat smaller meals and less carbohydrate and do regular exercise. After you?ve finished the 8-week plan, you should follow the ?twelve general principles for a healthy liver.?

The first two weeks of the 8-week plan are a gentle introduction, followed by 4 more demanding weeks with more vegetarian meals (if you get headaches or feel tired, drink extra water or raw vegetable and herbal juices to flush out toxins). The final 2 weeks are less demanding than the middle four but more than the first two.

This diet was not designed with pregnant women in mind.

The book isn?t entirely prescriptive in terms of foods to eat and avoid, instead it includes menu plans and recipes to follow at each stage of the diet. Portion sizes are included, so although this says it?s not a calorie counting book there?s portion control, mainly for carbohydrates. Here?s a summary based on these suggested menus as well as the rest of the book.

Foods to eat in The Liver Cleansing Diet

Always, eat:

  • Fruit and veg (preferably organic)
    • Raw vegetable juice, soon after waking. Drink a fresh juice at least 4 times a week while on the Liver Cleansing Diet. If you freeze juice immediately after making it and drink it after it thaws, the healing antioxidants and enzymes will not be damaged
    • Seasonal fruits and dried fruit
    • Vegetables of all types, preferably raw, especially:
      • Vegetables containing phytochemicals ? carrots, pumpkins, bell peppers, beets
      • Vegetables high in sulfur ? onions, leeks, red radish, kale, horseradish, garlic, cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower
      • Dark green colored vegetables and grasses such as alfalfa, barley leaf, wheat grass
    • About 40% of your diet ? raw vegetables and fruit, in particular dark green leafy vegetables, orange- and red-colored fruit and vegetables
    • Mushrooms
    • Herbs
  • Grains
    • Unsweetened cereals
    • Whole wheat, buckwheat, sour dough, rye, stone ground, rice, corn, herb and olive, walnut, gluten free or other ?high quality? bread from the health food store. Gluten free breads can be best if you have bloating and allergies. If you have irritable bowel syndrome use stone ground breads which have a fine texture and are free of little grainy bits. Vary the types of bread you eat to reduce allergies
    • Whole grain pasta and spaghetti, made from whole wheat, spelt, kamut, or buckwheat
    • Whole wheat or gluten-free flour
    • Brown rice or wild rice
  • Protein
    • Legumes (beans, peas, lentils), including soy products such as tofu, soy bean burgers, soymilk yogurt. Include sprouted legumes
    • Seeds and nuts including coconut cream. Include sprouted seeds. Nuts should only be eaten fresh ? buy nuts in sealed bags with a use-by date or nuts still in their shells
    • Grains in combination with the above
    • Seafood. Canned fish is healthy
    • Unflavored organic cow?s milk yogurt containing acidophilus and bifidus is listed as acceptable for the 8-week program in one part of this book
  • Fats
    • Omega-6 essential fatty acids including cold pressed sesame, safflower, cotton, and sunflower seeds and oil; corn and corn oil; soybeans; raw nuts; legumes; leafy greens
    • Omega-3 essential fatty acids including fresh fish from cold, deep oceans; rainbow trout; bass; linseed oil; shrimp; oysters; leafy greens; soy beans; walnuts; wheat germ; wheat sprouts; fresh sea vegetables
    • Cold-pressed virgin olive oil
    • Cold-pressed sesame oil
  • Unsweetened soy, almond, coconut, or rice milk
  • Condiments
    • Dry mustard powder
    • Soy sauce
    • Vinegar ? apple cider, balsamic, or white wine
    • Honey
    • Brown rice syrup
    • Stevia
    • Vanilla essence
    • Spices
    • Baking soda
  • Sweets
    • If you want something sweet, use fresh raw fruits, sun-dried fruits, stevia or xylitol
    • Good quality dark chocolate or carob
    • Fruit-based fruit sorbet without sugar (limit this, as it contains a lot of natural sugars)
  • Light breakfast. If you love breakfast or expend a lot of energy, more hearty breakfasts are included in the meal plan. If you have liver disease, or feel that your metabolism is very sluggish / you want to lose weight at a faster pace, limit yourself to raw fruits and raw juices for breakfast. If you have low blood sugar in the mid-morning, add some protein at breakfast.
  • Always have a raw vegetable salad with your main course at dinner to improve digestion
  • Drink at least 10-12 glasses of filtered water daily. Don?t drink large amounts of fluid with meals.
  • Chew your food slowly and thoroughly
  • If you don?t have enough stomach acid, sip a small glass of water containing 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar during every meal.

The first two weeks, eat:

  • Protein sources: free-range or organic chicken (skinless) and eggs

The middle four weeks, eat:

  • Protein sources: egg white

The last two weeks, eat:

  • Protein sources: free-range or organic chicken (skinless) and eggs

Other recommendations of foods to eat for lifetime diet

?Always? foods above, plus:

  • Nice wines and spirits in moderation
  • Chicken and eggs, preferably organic / free range
  • Fresh, lean red meat, preferably organic (no more than 4 times weekly)
  • Cheeses
  • It?s not clear whether you?re allowed dairy apart from cheese for your lifetime diet, but the book advises that a lot of medical conditions result from milk and gluten consumption so this implies that it should perhaps be limited
  • Obtain your dietary protein from diverse sources, and not just from animal products (such as meat, dairy and eggs)
  • Processed and refined foods
    • Processed and sugary foods ?French fries, chips, pretzels, cookies, cakes, donuts, candies, processed jellies and jams high in sugar, soft drinks, white bread
    • Deep fried foods? ? especially if you have gallbladder disease
    • Fast food and takeout food
    • White flour, white rice
    • Sugar, especially refined sugars
    • Preserved meat such as Italian sausage, ham, smoked meats, sausages, frankfurters, corned beef, bacon, pizza meats
    • Smoked foods including fish

Foods to avoid or limit with The Liver Cleansing Diet

Always, avoid:

  • Bad fats
    • Omega-6 non-essential fatty acid (arachidonic acid) ? fatty red meats, some dairy products (not explained), preserved meats, deep fried food, processed foods and hydrogenated oil
    • Processed fats or damaged fats ? margarines, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils / trans-fatty acids, shortening, oils used for deep frying and/or repeatedly reheated, and rancid oils
  • Stimulants
    • Tea ? restrict to 2-3 cups a day
    • Coffee ? restrict to 1 cup a day. If you use decaffeinated coffee make sure chemicals haven?t been used to remove the caffeine
    • Alcohol ? preferably don?t drink, but if you do don?t drink more than 3-4 glasses of alcohol per week
  • MSG, artificial, artificial sweeteners, colorings, and preservatives
  • Food containing undercooked eggs
  • Foods you may be allergic to
  • If you have problems with gluten (such as intestinal irritation and irritable bowel syndrome), avoid foods containing gluten
  • Don?t eat if you?re not hungry
  • Don?t eat if you feel stressed or anxious
  • Never reheat food more than once
  • You can?t be perfect, but do your best to follow this diet

If you have cirrhosis of the liver, poor liver function, or liver failure, minimize consumption of red meat, pork and poultry

All 8 weeks of the 8-week plan

  • Dairy products (milk, butter, cheese, cream, flavored yogurt, ice cream, full cream-chocolate)
  • Meat, and meat products including gelatin
  • If you want to speed up your weight loss, reduce the amount of oil found in some of the recipes or eliminate it
  • Do not have more than two courses in any one meal, as poor or excessive food combining is hard work for the liver
  • Only have raw fruit for dessert for lunch and dinner, or skip it altogether
  • Eat a maximum of three main meals daily and small snacks in between, preferably not more than 2-3 snacks daily

The first two weeks

  • Protein sources: meat, non-free-range chicken

The middle four weeks

  • Protein sources: meat, chicken of any kind, and egg yolk

The last two weeks

  • Protein sources: meat, non-free-range chicken

Other recommendations of foods to avoid/limit for lifetime diet

?Always? foods above, plus:

  • Excessive wines and spirits
  • Fatty red meat

For people with irritable bowel syndrome, the LCD may need to be modified as sufferers are unable to tolerate small unground seeds, nuts, and grains. These people should pass seeds, nuts, and grains through a grinder and grate harder salad vegetables such as carrots and beets. They should also avoid or reduce products containing gluten.

For more information on the recommendations and recipes and meal plans, see?The Liver Cleansing Diet book and The Liver Cleansing Diet kindle.


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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

PFT: Garrett won't call plays? |? Step forward?

Jerry JonesAP

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is talking to a group of reporters at the Senior Bowl as we speak, and he said he?s taking a bit of authority from head coach Jason Garrett.

According to Calvin Watkins of, Jones said that Garrett would no longer call offensive plays, and that offensive coordinator/line coach Bill Callahan would.

Garrett?s position seemed far from secure already, especially with his brother John leaving his staff to take a lateral move in Tampa Bay.

Coupled with the firing of defensive coordinator Rob Ryan, and interviewing guys such as former Arkansas coach Houston Nutt for unspecified positions, it would be hard for anyone to feel safe for the long-term in Dallas at the moment.


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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Consulting firms are hiring as demand for services rises - Focus ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]It's a good time to be in the consulting business, according to Brad Henderson, recruiting partner in the Chicago office of Boston Consulting Group LLC. ?We benefit from a world that's getting more and more complex,? which ...


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Wall Street opens flat as investors eye earnings

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks opened little changed on Tuesday as investors held back from making large bets at the start of a busy week for corporate earnings after major indexes notched five-year highs.

The Dow Jones industrial average <.dji> gained 16.95 points, or 0.12 percent, to 13,666.65. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index <.spx> shed 0.33 point, or 0.02 percent, to 1,485.65. The Nasdaq Composite Index <.ixic> added 0.21 point, or 0.01 percent, to 3,134.91.

(Reporting by Chuck Mikolajczak; Editing by Kenneth Barry)


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Monday, January 21, 2013

Legend, 2 Chainz, MC Lyte honored at Hip-Hop Ball

John Legend is seen at the Hip-Hop Inaugural Ball on Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013 in Washington. (Photo by Larry French/Invision/AP)

John Legend is seen at the Hip-Hop Inaugural Ball on Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013 in Washington. (Photo by Larry French/Invision/AP)

Rosario Dawson is seen at the Hip-Hop Inaugural Ball on Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013 in Washington. (Photo by Larry French/Invision/AP)

2 Chainz is seen at the Hip-Hop Inaugural Ball on Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013 in Washington. (Photo by Larry French/Invision/AP)

Doug E. Fresh is seen at the Hip-Hop Inaugural Ball on Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013 in Washington. (Photo by Larry French/Invision/AP)

Swizz Beatz is seen at the Hip-Hop Inaugural Ball on Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013 in Washington. (Photo by Larry French/Invision/AP)

(AP) ? John Legend believes hip-hop played its part in helping Barack Obama become president, and he's proud at how the genre has matured over the years.

"I think hip-hop had a role in making sure we elected a black president in America because we made it so that black people were in people's homes ... through our music and through our culture," the R&B crooner said Sunday night at the Hip-Hop Inaugural Ball.

"I think it made Barack Obama and more people like him possible, so I'm really thankful for hip-hop and the role it plays in society," he continued.

Legend was awarded the humanitarian award at Sunday's event, and it was one of many honors handed out at the Harman Center for Arts.

Hip-hop pioneers MC Lyte and Doug E. Fresh were both given lifetime achievement awards. Fresh even hit the stage, beat boxing while comedian-actor-singer Wayne Brady cooed Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On?" At one point, Brady even busted out his own rhymes.

Rapper Yo Yo earned a roaring cheer when she hit the stage to honor MC Lyte; Lil Mama also paid tribute to the "Ruffneck" rapper.

2 Chainz, who had a breakthrough year with his Grammy-nominated solo debut and multiple rap hits, earned the street soldier award for encouraging young voters as a spokesperson for the Hip-Hop Caucus' "Respect My Vote!" campaign.

"Doing my thing on the charts is one thing, but to be getting honored on another avenue, it just feels like a blessing," he said in an interview. "I'm keeping my head leveled and staying humble."

Actress Rosario Dawson won the vanguard award for her work as chairman of the Voto Latino organization.

"It's time to step out of the shadows. It's time to not just be talked about by other people, it's time to take the leadership ourselves and that first step of leadership is voting," Dawson said of the importance of the Latino vote.

Rappers Swizz Beatz and Meek Mill also earned honors at the event, attended by a few hundred hip-hop fans, including model Tyson Beckford, former NBA star Dikembe Mutumbo and Victor Cruz of the New York Giants. La La Anthony and Terrence J hosted the ball.

British singer Marsha Ambrosius also delivered a rousing performance, and playful jokes about Obama.

"I got a call from the president and he asked me to perform his favorite song," she said before singing the R&B jam "Hope She Cheats on You (With a Basketball Player)."

Then she sang "Butterflies," a song she co-wrote for Michael Jackson's 2001 "Invincible" album.

"This might have been his favorite," she said.


Follow Mesfin Fekadu on Twitter at

Associated Press


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Triple suicide bomb attack targets Afghan government building

KABUL (Reuters) - A coordinated attack involving at least three suicide bombers and a powerful car bomb took aim at the headquarters of the Kabul traffic department on Monday, followed by a clash between at least one insurgent and security forces, police said.

The attack took place just days after six suicide bombers attacked the Afghan spy agency in Kabul, killing two.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for Monday's attack.

"Today at 5 o'clock in the morning (8:30 p.m. EST Sunday) a number of mujahideen martyrs entered a government building close to an American training centre... Heavy fighting is ongoing," spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in a text message to media.

Police said it was not immediately clear if there were any casualties in the attack, which involved a second bombing, a tactic favored by Islamist insurgents elsewhere but relatively rare in Afghanistan.

"About an hour after the initial attack (triple suicide bomb attack) a fourth man drove a car to the same compound and detonated another bomb," the head of the Kabul police criminal investigation department, Mohammad Zahir, told Reuters.

Violence across the country has been increasing over the last year, sparking concern over how the 350,000-strong Afghan security forces will be able to manage once foreign troops withdraw by 2014.

(Writing by Amie Ferris-Rotman; Editing by Nick Macfie)


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Dead and missing from siege at Algerian gas plant

In this image made from video, a group of people believed to be hostages kneel in the sand with their hands in the air at an unknown location in Algeria. Algerian de-mining teams were scouring a gas refinery on Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013 that was the scene of a bloody four-day standoff, searching for explosive traps left by the Islamist militants who took dozens of foreigners hostage. The siege left at least 23 captives dead, and the American government warned that there were credible threats of more kidnapping attempts on Westerners. (AP Photo/Ennahar TV) ALGERIA OUT, TV OUT

In this image made from video, a group of people believed to be hostages kneel in the sand with their hands in the air at an unknown location in Algeria. Algerian de-mining teams were scouring a gas refinery on Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013 that was the scene of a bloody four-day standoff, searching for explosive traps left by the Islamist militants who took dozens of foreigners hostage. The siege left at least 23 captives dead, and the American government warned that there were credible threats of more kidnapping attempts on Westerners. (AP Photo/Ennahar TV) ALGERIA OUT, TV OUT

At least 81 people have been reported dead, including 32 Islamist militants, after a bloody, four-day hostage situation at Algeria's remote Ain Amenas natural gas plant. Nearly two dozen foreign workers remained unaccounted for late Sunday.

Here's the latest information from Algeria on the dead and missing:


? 32 Islamist militants, according to the Algerian government.

? 23 hostages, according to Algeria.

? 25 more bodies found Sunday, unclear yet whether they were hostages or militants, according to an Algerian security official.

? 1 Romanian died in the hospital, after being evacuated.

? Confirmed dead so far include six from the Philippines, three from Britain, two from Romania and one each from the U.S. and France.


? JAPAN: 10 Japanese working at the plant are unaccounted for, according to their employer JGC Corp.

? NORWAY: Five Norwegian employees of Statoil are still missing, the energy company said Sunday.

? BRITAIN: Three other Britons still missing and feared dead, the U.K. government said Sunday. Another British resident also feared dead.

? THE PHILIPPINES: Four Filipinos are still missing, a government spokesman said in Manila.

? MALAYSIA: Two Malaysians are missing, the government says.

? UNITED STATES: The number of possible American hostages is still unclear. One Texan is dead, the U.S. has confirmed. The militants at first said they were holding seven American hostages, but there has been no official confirmation if any Americans are unaccounted for.

Associated Press


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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Meadowlands casino backers will like this news - ...

Governor Andrew Cuomo has talked at times of having a full-fledged casino in New York City ? a worry to some North Jerseyans who dream of massive revenues from a Meadowlands casino. The idea is a pipe dream for now because neither Governor Christie nor state Senate President Stephen Sweeney have any interest in such a structure due to concerns for the welfare of the struggling Atlantic City casino industry.

But now it?s looking as if New York may not be moving forward with their gambling version, either, in the near future.

That?s based on Cuomo?s state of the State speech on Wednesday:

from that link:

?On gambling, Cuomo proposed that an expansion of gambling in New York begin with three casinos upstate and none in New York City. The state Legislature is expected this year to consider final passage of an amendment to the state constitution that would allow up to seven Las Vegas-style casinos beyond Indian land. If approved by lawmakers, voters could make a final decision on the amendment in November.

Cuomo said he would propose a ?phase one? plan focusing on three upstate casinos. The governor said he wants to bring visitors from downstate and other states to upstate areas. A gaming commission would pick the best locations and revenues would be split 90 percent for education and 10 percent for property tax relief.?


Here?s the exact language from the speech:

?We can also revitalize the Upstate economy by increasing tourism through destination resorts and casinos. Some may say the State is not in the casino business, but nothing could be farther from the truth. The fact is that gaming already exists throughout New York State. Native Americans have five casinos, and there are nine racinos at the race tracks in New York State. In fact, New York State now has more than 29,000 electronic gambling machines, which is more than Atlantic City and more than any state in the Northeast or Mideast.

New York has three gaming facilities with over 4,000 machines. No casino in Atlantic City, Pennsylvania, or Nevada has over 4,000 machines. We don?t fully realize it, regulate it, or capitalize on it, but we have gaming.

New York State is also surrounded by gambling. States and Canadian provinces just across our borders have legalized casino gambling, and they are the beneficiaries of the tourism, revenue, and good jobs that could and should be in New York. In fact, there are 39 casinos in adjacent states and provinces, and this does not even include the three casinos that are likely coming to Massachusetts, 9,508 slot machines at 14 racetracks in Ontario, and 12,000 Video Lottery Terminals (VLT?s) in 2,000 facilities in Quebec.

The State Legislature gave first passage to a Constitutional amendment, which calls for a maximum of seven casinos in New York State.69 This year, the Governor will propose a Phase One casino gaming plan to go along with the measure, which must again be resubmitted and approved by the Legislature in 2013 and will then be subject to ratification by the electorate.

Governor Cuomo proposes the following elements for the casino gaming plan:
? Begin by locating up to three casinos in Upstate New York.
? No casinos will be located in New York City ? the plan is to bring downstate New Yorkers and other visitors to Upstate.

The Gaming Commission will pick the best locations and the plan must have local government and community support.
? Any revenue raised under the plan will be split 90 percent for education and 10 percent for local property tax relief.

Casino gaming has significant potential to be a major economic engine for New York State. It is estimated that over $1 billion of economic activity can be generated from casino gaming, and passing a Constitutional amendment would allow New York to maximize and rationalize its opportunities. Limiting casino gambling to no more than seven facilities also guarantees there will not be an excessive proliferation of casinos within New York State.?



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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mediator gets NHL, union back together

FILE - In this Dec. 6, 2012, file photo, NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman, right, and deputy commissioner Bill Daly speak to reporters in New York. The NHL made a new proposal to the players' association, hoping to spark talks to end the long lockout and save the hockey season. Daly said Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, the league made its offer Thursday and was waiting for a response. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

FILE - In this Dec. 6, 2012, file photo, NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman, right, and deputy commissioner Bill Daly speak to reporters in New York. The NHL made a new proposal to the players' association, hoping to spark talks to end the long lockout and save the hockey season. Daly said Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, the league made its offer Thursday and was waiting for a response. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

FILE - This Aug. 14, 2012, file photo shows NHL commissioner Gary Bettman, left, and Bill Daly, deputy commissioner and chief legal officer, following collective bargaining talks in Toronto. The NHL is set to get back to the bargaining table Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012, with the locked-out players? association after a new contract offer from the league broke the ice between the fighting sides. "We delivered to the union a new, comprehensive proposal for a successor CBA," NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly said in a statement Friday, Dec. 28. "We are not prepared to discuss the details of our proposal at this time." (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Chris Young, File)

(AP) ? A federal mediator has finally been able to get the NHL and the players' association back together Saturday for their first face-to-face meeting since talks broke down two days earlier.

NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman and deputy commissioner Bill Daly went to union headquarters for what a players' association spokesman called a "small group meeting" with the sides and mediator Scot Beckenbaugh.

Beckenbaugh had already held separate meetings with the union and league Saturday before bringing them together.

Beckenbaugh spent more than 12 hours Friday walking back and forth between the Manhattan headquarters of each side ? beginning at 10 a.m. EST and wrapping things up shortly before 11 p.m.

While Beckenbaugh never got the league and the union in the same room then, enough was accomplished to convince the sides to keep going.

"I'm looking forward to continuing the process," Daly wrote to The Associated Press in an email late Friday night.

Beckenbaugh began Saturday by holding a meeting with the union and then walked over to talk to NHL officials. He then made the trek back to the players' association for the group meeting shortly before 1 p.m.

With the hockey season hanging in the balance, Saturday could prove to be a pivotal day on all fronts. The sides have less than a week to reach a new collective bargaining agreement to save what would likely be a 48-game hockey season.

Beckenbaugh also took part in talks during the 2004-05 lockout, which forced the cancellation of the whole season.

The players' association will conclude a two-day vote among its members at 6 p.m. Saturday that will determine whether the union's executive board will again have the authority to declare a disclaimer of interest.

If the vote passes, as expected, the disclaimer can be issued, and the union would dissolve and become a trade association. That could send this fight to the courts and put the season in jeopardy. The disclaimer would allow players to file individual antitrust suits against the NHL.

Earlier this week, a self-imposed deadline expired on the first authorization that union members gave the board. The initial threat seemed to work in getting the NHL back to the bargaining table, but talks broke down Wednesday night after the deadline passed without action taken by the union.

Now the players want to regain the leverage the potential disclaimer gives them.

Bettman set a Jan. 11 deadline for a deal so the season can begin eight days later. A 48-game season is the minimum Bettman said the league would play.

All games through Jan. 14, along with the All-Star game, have been canceled, claiming more than 50 percent of the original schedule.

Trust has become a major impediment in the talks that appear to have been rescued to some extent by Beckenbaugh.

On Thursday morning, the sides solved a problem that arose regarding the reporting by clubs of hockey-related revenue, and how both sides sign off on the figures at the end of the fiscal year. The union felt the language had been changed without proper notification. That dispute was ended in about an hour, but clearly discord was present in the talks.

Another small meeting, the second of the day without union head Donald Fehr, addressed the pension plan. That one lasted just under two hours and marked the last time the sides met this week.

The players' association held a late Thursday afternoon conference call to initiate its second vote on the disclaimer of interest.

A sense of progress might be why the union didn't declare the disclaimer Wednesday, but any optimism created after the deadline passed has taken several hits since.

The NHLPA filed a motion in federal court in New York seeking to dismiss the league's suit to have the lockout declared legal. The NHL sued the union in mid-December, figuring the players were about to submit their own complaint against the league.

But the union argued that the NHL is using this suit "to force the players to remain in a union. Not only is it virtually unheard of for an employer to insist on the unionization of its employees, it is also directly contradicted by the rights guaranteed to employees under ... the National Labor Relations Act."

The court scheduled a status conference for the sides on Monday.

The sides have traded four proposals in the past week ? two by each side ? but none has gained enough traction. Getting an agreement on a pension plan would likely go a long way toward a deal that would put hockey back on the ice.

Fehr believed a plan for a players-funded pension was established before talks blew up in early December. That apparently wasn't the case, or the NHL changed its offer regarding the pension in exchange for agreeing to other things the union wanted.

The salary-cap number for the second year of the deal ? the 2013-14 season ? hasn't been agreed to, and is another major point of contention. The league is pushing for a $60 million cap, while the union wants it to be $65 million with a floor of $44 million.

In return for the higher cap, players would be willing to forgo a cap on escrow.

Other issues still needing resolution include the maximum length of player contracts, the yearly variance in salary of those individual deals, and how long the CBA should be in effect.

Both sides seem content on it lasting for 10 years, but they have different opinions on whether an opt-out should be allowed to be exercised after seven years or eight.

Last season, the NHL posted record revenues of $3.3 billion. The sides seem likely to agree on a 50-50 split of the pot in any new deal.

The NHL is the only North American professional sports league to cancel a season because of a labor dispute, losing the 2004-05 campaign to a lockout. A 48-game season was played in 1995 after a lockout stretched into January.

Associated Press


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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Small Businesses and Commercial Finance - Commercial Mortgages

the small business owner and commercial mortgages Whenever the financial year may begin for your business, a new year is a chance for a new start, an opportunity for the businesses that have endured struggle; to re-evaluate strategies, short term aims and long term goals. For the small business owner, 2013 is a chance to maintain growth and retain financial strength however, with economists forecasting a 50-50 chance of an astounding triple dip recession; how can the risks to business finances be minimised?

According to the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CERB), a range of predictions have been made surrounding inflation, the commercial industry and the Bank of England; all of which indicate that the small business owner may very well be treading on murky waters.

The UK economy faces great challenges; challenges that may put investors, savers and business owners at great risk but what other options are available? And can the risk levels facing the small business owner be at all minimised?

The overall economic strength of 2012 evidently declares that the first quarter of 2013 will be weak and although predictions indicate that the Funding for Lending scheme may soon start to take effect; the small business owner is encouraged to seek financial advice from an independent service.

The independent commercial finance specialist acts as an intermediary and will work only for your business. As a specialist broker; an independent financier works as a middle man between the borrower and lender. Acting upon the best interests of the business and with the assistance of an in-depth application process that will analyse business plans, financial figures and predictions; the independent broker will secure the ideal loan needed for commercial survival in 2013. The beauty of this middle man is simple; unlike the sales driven bank staff, the success of an independent broker lies in the success of borrower and lender dealings which, may ensure that the risks of hiked fees, surprise costs and charges are greatly minimised.

How does an independent broker work? It is quite simple; there are many finance brokers available on the market however, for the small business owner it is often suggested that a specialist commercial broker be contacted. A commercial broker firm is one consisting of professionals all expert in the field of commercial finance and with access to an abundance of unique, high quality and specialist commercial lenders who, as a result; will work to match your business with the ideal lender and secure the best deals and the best interest rates that may not be achievable by the high street bank.

The financial options available to the small business owner will vary from lender to lender however; the best commercial brokers will offer a wide range that may include the following:

  • Commercial Mortgage- Although renting may seem like the most viable business option; it is a commercial mortgage that will offer steady payments allowing for a better chance to secure cash flow, tax deductibility, equity and the ultimate end goal of property ownership.
  • Bridging Finance- A surprise bill, ever growing debt, or quick expansion can be aided by bridging finance. A short term loan that can often be secured within three days; bridging finance is ideal when desiring fast results.
  • Buy to Let Mortgage- If your new or existing business involves property leasing than a buy to let mortgage is the ideal option. With the housing market still under strain, a buy to let mortgage is a fantastic option for lenders to capitalise on a growing market.
  • Development Finance- For those seeking investment in an exciting project; a development finance loan is the ideal solution. Often difficult to obtain from the high street lender; an independent broker may offer a better opportunity for success.
  • HMO Mortgages- Again, an ideal solution for the property investor; a HMO mortgage will allow you to capitalise on the growing demand for student and shared accommodation.
  • Invoice Financing- Cash flow is a major issue and may stand between success and failure however, invoice finance will allow for better management and control.


The above are just a few financial options that may be offered by the commercial mortgage broker. For the small business, whether a legal firm, retail store or perhaps even a property portfolio; an independent broker will offer a greater selection of loans all at a greater rate. What?s more is that for those who have adverse credit and may have previously been rejected financial aid from the high street retailer; achieving financial support from a broker may not be as difficult as expected.

The threats facing the small business owner are unfortunately still as great as ever which is why, as we settle into the new year; the trusted and reliable financial options must be sought if the risk potential is ever to be minimised.

Is your small business ready for the challenges that 2013 will no doubt bring?


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Pushpins Manages Your Grocery Lists, Suggests Recipes, and Offers Coupons for the Items You Buy

Pushpins Manages Your Grocery Lists, Suggests Recipes, and Offers Coupons for the Items You BuyiOS: Pushpins is a free grocery management app that handles every single step of the process. It'll help you pick recipes, make grocery lists, find the store you want near you, store that store's loyalty/rewards card (in the app and in Passbook), manage the grocery list as you shop, and then offer you coupons at checkout. It does everything.

I've seen a lot of grocery-centric apps and, while good, none of them really motivated me to use them regularly. Because Pushpins does practically everything, and has the incentive of saving money without any effort, I'm going to stop sticking my shopping list in a text file and use it instead. When you put your list into Pushpins and let it know where you'll be shopping, the app locates coupons for the specific grocery store you'll visit. If you're not sure what to get, you can search for recipes or browse categories for specific types (including allergy-friendly categories). The only downside I found was that Pushpins doesn't fully support every major grocery store. For example, Trader Joe's doesn't have a loyalty card so it's a little tedious to add items to a Trader Joe's list. Other major chains, such as Safeway properties, work perfectly.

If you own an iPhone and you ever plan to visit a grocery store, you'll want to take Pushpins with you. With the exception of waiting in line on your behalf, the app helps you every step of the way.

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Internet Explorer zero-day exploit linked to China

9 hrs.

Delving further into the Microsoft Internet Explorer zero-day exploit found last week, which unknown hackers used to compromise the website of an influential American think tank, researchers have discovered the exploit's use on other websites and strong evidence of links to China.

"We have been able to confirm that this latest Internet Explorer zero-day is a continuation of the Elderwood Project," wrote Symantec security researchers in an official blog posting Friday.

A zero-day exploit attacks computers via a software flaw that has not yet been fixed. Elderwood refers to a common malware platform used in an ongoing series of attacks on companies and organizations, dating back to the 2009 Operation Aurora intrusions into the networks of Google and dozens of other Western corporations.

Few of the companies attacked during Aurora would confirm that they had been hit or identify their attackers, but Google did both. It pinned the blame squarely on hackers working for or with the Chinese government. (Beijing strenuously denies all allegations that it is behind any attacks.)

Meanwhile, security experts in Luxembourg and the Czech Republic identified six other sites compromised with the new Internet Explorer flaw.

The sites belong to a Chinese human-rights group, a group of dissident Uyghurs from Chinese Central Asia, a Hong Kong newspaper, a travel agency in Taiwan, a Russian scientific group and Capstone Turbine Corp., a California maker of wind turbines.

The compromise last month of the website of the Council of Foreign Relations was characterized by several experts as a classic "watering hole" attack, in which malware is embedded in websites thought to appeal to a select group of people in order to enable drive-by downloads.

Visitors to the website of the prestigious think tank, whose members include most former presidents and secretaries of state, are presumably important targets.

The six newly identified website infections would also seem to be watering-hole attacks. The Chinese government is known to be interested in the activities of internal dissidents, in overseas Chinese in the "near abroad" and in foreign energy technology.

Microsoft last week released a temporary "fix it" for the browser flaw, which affects Internet Explorer versions 6 through 8. Windows XP users should implement the "fix it"; users of Windows Vista, 7 and 8 should upgrade to Internet Explorer versions 9 or 10, which are not affected. (The American security company Exodus Intelligence has already found flaws in the "fix it.")

Microsoft is working on a full patch for the flaw, which, unfortunately, will not make it in time for next week's Patch Tuesday monthly round of Microsoft updates.

Copyright 2013 TechNewsDaily, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Friday, January 4, 2013

GOP Senators Mull Partial Gov't Shutdown in Debt-Ceiling Fight

A number of Republican senators say a partial government shutdown should be considered as an option if President Obama doesn't concede on spending cuts to the GOP's satisfaction.

"The coming deadlines will be the next flashpoints in our ongoing fight to bring fiscal sanity to Washington," Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, wrote in an op-ed in the Houston Chronicle this morning. " "It may be necessary to partially shut down the government in order to secure the long-term fiscal well being of our country, rather than plod along the path of Greece, Italy and Spain."

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told the Dallas Morning News that he would be open to a partial government shutdown, pointing to the 1995 shutdown as "the greatest degree of fiscal responsibility we have seen from Congress in modern times."

Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., Wednesday urged Republicans to consider a partial government shutdown, saying it would be "a hell of a lot better" than agreeing to a deal with no spending cuts.

"The president has made it very clear: He doesn't even want to have a discussion about it, because he knows this is where we have leverage," Toomey said on MSNBC Wednesday. "We Republicans need to be willing to tolerate a temporary partial government shutdown, which is what that could mean, and insist that we get off the road to Greece because that's the road we're on right now."

Shortly after Congress passed legislation to avert the "fiscal cliff," Obama declared his firm stance when it comes to the upcoming debt-ceiling fight.

"While I will negotiate over many things, I will not have another debate with this Congress over whether they should pay the bills for what they've racked up," Obama said late Tuesday night. "We can't not pay bills that we've already incurred."

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Monday that the country has reached its debt limit, and if the debt ceiling is not raised in the coming months, the country risks going into default.

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Power spintronics: Producing AC voltages by manipulating magnetic fields

Jan. 3, 2013 ? Scientists are putting a new spin on their approach to generating electrical current by harnessing a recently identified electromotive force known as spinmotive force, which is related to the field of spintronics that addresses such challenges as improving data storage in computers. Now, a novel application of spintronics is the highly efficient and direct conversion of magnetic energy to electric voltage by using magnetic nanostructures and manipulating the dynamics of magnetization.

According to a report published in the American Institute of Physics' (AIP) journal Applied Physics Letters, this conversion could be the foundation for future development of spin-based power electronics, a field the authors call "power spintronics." Their newly published results of an experimental model suggest that a power spintronics-based device may one day be a promising approach to obtaining alternating current (AC) voltages from direct current (DC) magnetic fields.

The researchers demonstrated for the first time the feasibility of a device that generates a voltage based on manipulating an effective magnetic field within a nanowire that arises from width modulation. Technically such a field is not a true magnetic field, but it can be viewed as such. The team tested a one-dimensional model. It showed that DC magnetic field characteristics such as magnitude, and design parameters such as wire width, can be used to control, or "tune," the frequency and amplitude of AC current. Importantly, their results showed that a variable frequency ranging from megahertz to gigahertz can be achieved. Control and range in tuning ability are highly desirable management features in generating current.

The team's results suggest that applying their spintronics approach may one day meet a variety of commercial energy demands due to control and scalability.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Institute of Physics (AIP), via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jun'ichi Ieda, Sadamichi Maekawa. Magnetic power inverter: AC voltage generation from DC magnetic fields. Applied Physics Letters, 2012; 101 (25): 252413 DOI: 10.1063/1.4773214

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Real estate market stable in 2012 - London Free Press

The London area real estate market was stable in 2012 with total sales almost equal to the previous year.

The London and St. Thomas Association of Realtors (LSTAR) said 8,020 homes traded hands in 2012, 28 fewer units than the 8,048 homes sold in 2011.

The December market reflected the rest of the year with 381 sales, down slightly from 384 sales in December 2011.

?The difference is very marginal and just what we expected from our market, which has proven itself once again to be steady, reliable and balanced,? said Barb Whitney, president of LSTAR, which represents realtors in London, St. Thomas and surrounding rural areas.

Overall new listings were down 6.2% for detached homes and up 0.9% for condos in 2012.

The average price for all housing types in the London-St. Thomas market stands at $238,822, up 2.8%.

The average price for a detached home in LSTAR?s jurisdiction in 2012 was $254,434, up 4% compared to December 31, 2011, while the average price for a condo was $171,403, down 4.5%.

Home sales in St. Thomas lagged the overall market with 616 homes sold in 2012 down 9.7% from the previous year. The average home price in St. Thomas is $191,607, up 1.2% from the previous year.





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Childhood Obesity | Your Health Journal

By Marcela De Vivo

overweighchildsmallChildhood obesity isn?t just a problem in the United States ? it?s an epidemic.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), childhood obesity has nearly tripled since 1970, with nearly 20-percent of children between the ages of six and eleven considered obese.

The obesity rate has also risen for adolescents. Approximately 18-percent of adolescents between 12 and 19 are obese, and many more are overweight and on the verge of obesity.

Luckily, there are some things you can do as a parent to help your child lose weight and get healthy.

It?s important that your child loses weight and begins living a healthy life now to avoid serious potential health problems later on in life.

Causes of Childhood Obesity

While many parents think that childhood obesity is related to genetic traits, there really aren?t any genetic reasons that young child should be obese according to the Mayo Clinic.

While many parents think that childhood obesity is related to genetic traits, there really aren?t any genetic reasons that young child should be obese according to the Mayo Clinic.

Genetic disorders can cause problems with weight gain and retention ? particularly thyroid disorders ? though these are fairly rare in most young children.

The most common causes of childhood obesity are poor diet and lack of exercise.

Simply put, children that are obese are likely consuming too many calories and not burning enough of them through regular physical activity, resulting in weight gain.

Change Your Child?s Eating Habits

If your child is obese, you need to take the initiative when it comes to changing your child?s eating habits.

fruitAfter all, you probably prepare most of their meals ? or at the very least, pay for them.

A child?s diet should be rich in lean protein sources like skinless chicken, turkey, fish and beans. Protein is essential for growing children, but high-fat options like ground beef and pork can lead to weight gain. If you?re going to make burgers at home, opt for at least 98% lean ground beef, your child won?t taste the difference.

Children also need to eat plenty of vegetables. Many children don?t want to eat their vegetables, but as a parent, it?s your job to make sure they do. Try serving raw broccoli, carrots or celery with fat-free, low-calorie dressing for dipping. If your child just won?t eat their vegetables, try to sneak them into foods that they like to get them used to their taste.

Lasagna anyone? Meaty, cheesy goodness can do wonders concealing broccoli, asparagus, bell peppers, mushrooms etc. Switch to whole wheat or grain pasta too. Low-fat dairy products help build strong bones and provide calcium, both of which are essential for growing children. Instead of high-fat products like chocolate milk, choose low-fat versions. Low-fat dairy options like fat-free yogurt also make excellent alternatives to high-fat desserts like ice cream.

Getting your kids involved with the food that they?re eating can also help them to try new things. When preparing meals for your child, ask them to pick out vegetables or to assemble a salad for the whole family with a group of already prepared ingredients.

Many kids are willing to eat foods that they wouldn?t otherwise if they have a hand in their preparation. This also sets your kids up for healthy eating habits when they?re adults and living on their own. It?s also important that you limit how many sweet treats your child gets.

Soda, cookies, cakes and candy should be looked at as special treat, not something that should be a part of or follow every meal. You should also replace high-fat versions of desserts with lower calorie ones, like frozen yogurt for ice cream. Sitting down and eating meals with your child can also help develop healthy eating habits. Turn the television off and have a conversation. Eating in front of the television or while doing schoolwork can result in overeating because your brain is too busy focusing on the television to tell you that you?re full.


boysoccerExercise is an important part of fighting childhood obesity. Exercise is also important for adults, and it can help to prevent weight gain and other health problems later in life. Setting your child on the path to regular exercise will benefit them throughout their life. It?s important to remember that you don?t need to put your child on an exercise plan that they hate, but rather to get them to do physical activities that they enjoy. Find activities that your child likes and get them involved. For many kids, intramural sports are a lot more enjoyable than riding an exercise bicycle or jogging.

Lead by Example

As a parent, it?s your job to show your child how to live a healthy life. That means that you need to find time to exercise too. Consider exercising with your child. Toss a football, shoot a basketball or even go bowling or ice skating. Any physical activity will help your child lose weight and develop a healthy active lifestyle.

marcela- Marcela De Vivo is a freelance writer in the Los Angeles area. Her writing focuses on beauty, health, and well being centered on Yoga and natural remedies from international pharmacies.


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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Congress will vote on Sandy aid this week, says Boehner

House Speaker John Boehner rescheduled a vote on Sandy relief funding for Friday at the urging of lawmakers from the storm's hardest hit regions. The funding is slated to go toward immediate relief for victims as well as rebuilding efforts.?

By Andrew Miga,?Associated Press, Larry Margasak,?Associated Press / January 3, 2013

Businesses still empty or boarded up after Superstorm Sandy are seen in the Rockaways section of New York, Wednesday. House Speaker Boehner agreed to vote this week on relief funding for Sandy recovery.

AP Photo/Seth Wenig


Under intense pressure from angry Republicans, House Speaker John Boehner agreed Wednesday to a vote this week on?aid?for Superstorm?Sandy?recovery.

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The speaker will schedule a vote Friday for $9 billion for the national flood insurance program and another on Jan. 15 for a remaining $51 billion in the package, Republican Rep. Peter King of New York said after emerging from a meeting with Boehner and GOP lawmakers from New York and New Jersey. The votes will be taken by the new Congress that will be sworn in Thursday.

King left the session with Boehner without the anger that led him to rip into the speaker Tuesday night.

"It was a very positive meeting," King said, adding that Boehner, R-Ohio, assured the lawmakers present that the money from the two House votes would roughly equal the $60 billion package of?aid?that passed the Senate.

Since the votes will be taken in the new Congress, the Senate also will have to approve the legislation. If the House, as expected, approves the $9 billion flood insurance proposal, the Senate plans to move quickly in hopes of approving the?aid?on a voice vote Friday. The flood insurance money will help pay for claims by home and business owners with coverage.

Sandy?was the most costly natural disaster since Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and one of the worst storms ever in the Northeast.

"Getting critical?aid?to the victims of Hurricane?Sandy?should be the first priority in the new Congress, and that was reaffirmed today with members of the New York and New Jersey delegations," Boehner said in a joint statement with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va.

Boehner's decision Tuesday night to cancel an expected vote on?Sandy?aid?before Congress ends its current session provoked a firestorm of criticism from New York, New Jersey and adjacent states where the money will go, including many lawmakers in his own party.

According to King, Boehner explained that after the contentious vote to avoid major tax increases and spending cuts called the "fiscal cliff," Boehner didn't think it was the right time to schedule the vote before the current Congress went out of business.

"What's done is done. The end result will be New York, New Jersey and Connecticut will receive the funding they deserve. We made our position clear last night. That's in the past," King said.

Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., added, "We do believe we have an iron clad commitment."

The Senate approved a $60.4 billion measure Friday to help with recovery from the October storm that devastated parts of New York, New Jersey and nearby states. The House Appropriations Committee has drafted a smaller, $27 billion measure for immediate recovery needs and a second amendment for $33 billion to meet longer-term needs.


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Equity Markets Still Look Attractive in 2013: UBS&#39;s ... - Yahoo! Finance

Hope springs eternal among most stock strategists and Jeremy Zirin, chief equity strategist at UBS Wealth Management, is no exception. Zirin expects moderate gains in stocks this year and says the market will "continue to grind higher as the economy starts to improve."

There are increasing signs that the economy is improving. The four-week moving average for initial unemployment claims has fallen to its lowest level since March 2008 and the housing market continues to gain momentum. Home prices and new home sales recently posted their biggest gains in 2.5 years and builder confidence has risen to its highest level in more than 6.5 years.

Zirin forecasts GDP growth of 2% to 2.5% this year. Growth will accelerate as Washington adopts new fiscal policies, says Zirin.

?The consumer, which is 70% of the U.S. economy, has been very resilient in the face of policy uncertainty but business investment has lagged,? Zirin notes.

Zirin forecasts a 1,540 rolling 12-month target for the S&P 500 in 2013 based on ?fairly robust? earnings growth and relatively low equity valuations. Stocks are relatively cheap with the S&P 500 trading at 12.7x forward earnings versus the long-term average of 14.5, says Zirin.

Related: Stocks are the Only Asset Class to Own: Josh Brown

?For investors looking to preserve purchasing power down the road, equity markets?.still look very attractive,? says Zirin. ?The spread between the earnings yield of equities -- the inverse of the price earnings multiple, of around 6%-7%--and the very low or negative real yield of fixed income securities is at the widest it?s been in two decades.?

Zirin favors dividend growth stocks which he says carry less overall market risk, generate income and have more potential for dividend growth than current high-yielding dividend stocks. More specifically he favors dividend growth stocks in consumer staples, industrials, health care and technology.

?Lots of established mature tech stocks have tremendously strong balance sheets with tons of cash,? he says.

Related: Forget Stocks? Shilling's Backing Bonds for 2013

Some of that cash, however, remains overseas because of current tax policies. If those policies change to allow repatriation of that cash at lower tax rates that ?could lead to a pretty strong boom in repurchases and dividend increases from the tech sector,? says Zirin.

Tell Us What You Think!

Do you agree with Jeremy that stocks are headed higher? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

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